A single company subject to the direction and coordination of Forseda S.p.A. Milano
Registered office: via G. Carducci 8 - 20123 Milano
Operating office: Via Tolstoi, 7 - 20090 Trezzano s / Naviglio (MI)
Phone: (+39 02) 48424.1
VAT: IT01681100150
Share capital: € 3,000,000 i.v.
R.E.A. n. 853115-Milano
Registry Office of Milano n. 01681100150
Email: sd@seda-spa.it
Email : posta_certificata@pec.seda-spa.it
Other useful PEC addresses:
Sales Administration and After Sales Service: ordiniclienti@pec.seda-spa.it
Customer Service Tenders and Estimates: garepreventivi@pec.seda-spa.it
Commercial and Marketing Secretary: marketing@pec.seda-spa.it
Administrative Service: amministrazione@pec.seda-spa.it